DC Link Capacitor

This capacitor uses the most advanced metallized film technology for long life, high reliability in DC Link applications. The design delivers high capacitance, high voltage and high ripple current handling capabilities required for inverters used in wind, solar, fuel cell applications and more.

Part & Supplier Information

WTC Part Number: 102-0988
WTC Part Name: Cap-1200ufd,vdc=900,dc link, 116mm

Supplier/ Vendor Name: Jianghai
Supplier/Vendor Part #: FCCR2DL128KP165050C2

Alternate Supplier/ Vendor Name: Ducati
Alternate Supplier/Vendor Part #: 216.85.0319

Key Features

  Non-polar dielectric
  Dry, resin filled
  High reliability and life expectancy
  Replacement for aluminum electrolytic capacitors (lower capacitance, higher current)
  High current to 100 Amps
  Low ESR
  Low Inductance

Capacitor used for inverters for various applications including wind, solar, fuel cell, electrical controls and other applications

Specifications & Documents


Capacitor Datasheet
Construction Only Component


Capacitor Datasheet
Construction Only Component

Welding Technology Corp has a large quantity of these components. Please reach out to our customer service group if you are interested in acquiring. You may reach out to us by Formmail link below or call us at +1 (248) 477-3900 ext 3333.

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