Growth History of Welding Technology Corp.
From its inception in 1936 into the new millennia, Welding Technology Corp. has pioneered and revolutionized resistance welding processes.
From its inception in 1936 into the new millennia, Welding Technology Corp. has pioneered and revolutionized resistance welding processes.
Welding Technology Corp has a basis in the founding of five different companies. These companies reached out competitively for
better products and solutions.
Eventually over time, they have merged together to provide the world's best solutions to some very
challenging work in resistance welding tasks.
1936 - Weltronic
1948 - Robotron
1950 - Nadex Company LTD
1964 - Technitron
1969 - Medar
Check out our web site and review the new products and solutions that are available from Welding Technology Corp.
The software that drives our systems is bringing us closer to autonomous manufacturing for the future. Controls are networked
using data concentrators and system supervising software algorithms to quickly report any disturbances to operations that need
human intervention.