Features of the "Ohma® Cylinder"

The OHMA weld cylinder has several unique features that distinguish it from both conventional pneumatic weld cylinders and other types of air over oil intensifier cylinders.


All OHMA weld cylinders are designed to produce a specific force ratio. The ratio represents the factor by which air pressure is internally multiplied to produce the weld force. For example, a 22:1 ratio OHMA weld cylinder will produce 22 lb. of force for every 1 PSI introduced to the Intensifier Port (EE3). In other words, sequencing 60 PSI of regulated pressure to EE3 will result in the cylinder developing (60 PSI x 22) 1320 lb. of weld force.

Power Stroke and Advance Stroke

The power stroke represents the stroke the cylinder produces during the high pressure portion of the sequence of operation. The power stroke is limited to, and is a function of, the cylinder's physical configuration. For example, a 32:1 ratio cylinder with a 3" overall stroke and .20 power stroke operating at 45 PSI will initially make contact with the work as if it were an air cylinder. In this particular example, the advance force would be equal to the cylinder bore area multiplied by the air pressure (3.1416 x 45 PSI); this would equal 141 lb.. Upon initiation of the power stroke stage, the force would be boosted by the ratio to 1440 lb.. (32 x 45 PSI). The maximum distance that the cylinder will travel at this force will be .20". Although the power stroke may appear to be short, a vast majority of spot welding applications will require a stroke length well within this range.

It is important to note that the power stroke can be initiated anywhere within the advance stroke range. This is defined as the overall stroke minus the power stroke. In our example the advance stroke range would be: 3" - .20" = 2.80". Effectively, this means that the OHMA cylinder can develop the power stroke anywhere from 0" to 2.80". Where the power stroke is initiated within the advance stroke range will have no effect on the ratio or the power stroke length. In order to further illustrate this important concept please consider the following example:

An OHMA weld cylinder with a 2" bore, 22:1 ratio, 5" stroke, .26 power stroke operating at 50 PSI will:

have an initial advance force of 157 lb (3.1416 {area of 2" bore} x 50 PSI)
develop 1,100 lb of weld force (22 {ratio} x 50 PSI)
will have the ability to stroke for a distance of .26" at the rated weld force
will be able to develop the power stroke anywhere from 0" to 4.74" (5" - 0.26")

Centerline (Windsor) Ltd

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